Re: Ear tone points of origin
Posted by EQF on November 14, 2002 at 01:51:35:

One of the reasons that I did not post responses directly to your notes in the recent past is because I have been discussing data which were not yet available at a public Web site. And it has been my experience that arguing about “invisible” data tends to get very little accomplished. Now that I have the latest version of that 131.html Web page running there are some “visible” data there which can be discussed.

There are presently no Ear Tone data at my site from other people as far as I am aware. There were a few data points stored there some time ago. But they were eventually removed from those data files. There is at least one link to Canie’s Ear Tone registry at the site along with links to other earthquake forecasting resources. They simply point to those other sites. I do have some Ear Tone data from one other person who has given me permission to display them at my Web site. But it will take some time to get them formatted and stored there. I also need to contact that person and ask for permission again as it has been a while.


Listed at my site there are what I regard as high, medium and low quality earthquake precursor data. I believe that the high quality data are good indicators that an earthquake is about to occur near a populated area. And I am quite interested in them. My own Ear Tone data are what I regard as low quality data. They do point to approaching earthquakes. But I presently believe that they are pointing to ones which may occur anywhere, not just the potentially destructive ones. So, I do not pay much attention to them and record only some of the ones which I myself detect.

As I pointed out in at least one earlier note, this is part of an effort which is aimed at saving lives. And as I also pointed out in an earlier note, a good way to do that is to find other people who are moving in the same direction and work with them. In recent notes I asked if there were any people who had information on computer programming, on solar and geomagnetic storms, and on RingMaps. There were no responses to those inquiries. And that indicates to me that there are no people moving in those directions to work with.

However, as you can see, I posted a note about Ear Tones and there were a number of responses.

Ear Tones and headaches are two experiences which are almost universally shared by people who are “Earthquake Sensitive.” My data processing routines do not work with headache information. They last too long. They do work quite well with Ear Tones which are usually over in less than a minute. Additionally, I know from personal experiences that Ear Tones can be easily duplicated and studied under laboratory conditions. That is difficult or impossible to do with many other earthquake precursors.

So, my interest in Ear Tones is largely due to the fact that other people are also interested in talking about them. At the moment I would rather discuss computer programs and solar and geomagnetic storms. But if no one else is interested in those subjects then why bother?


It would be my guess that many volcano related events are linked with the positions of the sun and the moon in the sky. Their gravitational pulls on the Earth’s crust both directly and indirectly set events in motion which affect what is taking place in and around the volcanoes.