Re: correction
Posted by Canie on August 27, 2002 at 08:00:44:

Hi Chris - Here is the data concerning those canadian quakes and M & X class flares on the 24th-25th of August:

Date Time Lat Long Depth Mag Location
2002 08 25 02:43:04 62.46N 124.61W 10.0 4.2 NW TERR- NUNAVUT,CANADA
2002 08 25 09:24:55 65.42N 134.38W 10.0 4.1 N YUKON TERRITORY, CANADA

X and M class flares
#Event Begin Max End Obs Q Type Loc/Frq Particulars Reg#
6830 + 0049 0112 0131 GO8 5 XRA 1-8A X3.1 4.6E-01 0069
6900 + 0538 0548 0559 GO8 5 XRA 1-8A M1.8 1.8E-02 0087
6960 + 1112 1128 1141 GO8 5 XRA 1-8A M1.5 1.6E-02
7430 + 1845 1853 1858 GO8 5 XRA 1-8A M1.1 4.8E-03 0083