Re: Part Two
Posted by Petra Challus on August 22, 2002 at 19:03:30:

Hi Cathryn,

I'm sorry to hear about the theft. But you know today people have no scruples about stealing anything. If its on the Internet, you can be sure the chances of it being borrowed if its any good for any reason are very high.

I had some occasional thoughts about putting some of my short stories on the web so I could share them, but I decided the sharing might go a little further than I anticipated so I changed my mind.

It reminds me of a woman I knew who went to live in Ghana for a few years. She said they had to put their washer and dryer legs into a cement pad in order to keep them from being stolen. But it didn't work. At night while they slept people would come and saw off the legs and steal them anyway.

However, on the bright side, if Karma prevails, one day the thief that took your story will have something taken from them of far greater value. It makes you wonder what it might be. To bad we'll have to wait until we get to the otherside to find out what it was.

In life if it isn't one thing, it's another, but it's always something.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Part Two - Cathryn  15:39:24 - 8/23/2002  (16563)  (0)
     ● OT/ It get's worse! - Cathryn  12:55:02 - 8/23/2002  (16562)  (0)