Re: Earthquake triggering, earthquake precursors, and earthquake sensitivity
Posted by chris in suburbia on July 12, 2002 at 15:22:32:

Canie, I don't think you should steer clear of FFA and sloar because you think others are working on this. Others are working on everything. If the FFA and solar ideas originate with Lowell, you should make sure he does not object/work with him on this-but this stuff is not being published that I know of. And, I don't think people beyond Lowell's circle are working on this.

Concerning the antipode-yes, somewhere along the line (talking to Luann Becker?) we mentioned this. You have to reconstruct the continental drift and see what was at the antipode of the Siberian Traps at that time. As usual, Lowell brought that expectation to my attention.

By the way-I can tell from your posts that you are a good scientist so you might be able to push some of the ideas on this page (FFA, solar) to publication, if there is anything to them.

You will probably be required to take some math and Physics. I think to be a good geologist or geophysicist you have to have some understanding of Physics. As for Math, I took a ton of it but never learned it right (never understood it), so I don't use much beyond algebra trig now. I am a geologist who uses geophysical techniques, and who has an interest in earthquakes as a hobby or sorts (active faulting is work, earthquakes on them is play). Chris

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Earthquake triggering, earthquake precursors, and earthquake sensitivity - Canie  19:38:23 - 7/12/2002  (16280)  (0)