Re: Some Miscellaneous business |
Hi Lowell: That is quite some list. I'm also surprised this track record hasn't surfaced before. (I also wonder what the false alarm rate is and what the average odds of success have been). I applaud the effort and the apparent successes. I'm sure they have learned quite a lot both about what can be done and what apparently cannot be done insofar as accuracy is concerned. Maybe their success could be improved upon as well.... How long ago was the paper presented? It seems it would have started a stir with more follow on efforts (by others, etc.). I don't know how their business model will work as far as selling forecasts go. People have to first believe that it can be done and this might require public support from those perceived to be "in the know" (e.g. geophysicists/seismologists). So that might be a hard-sell at first...at least until a couple of large magnitude quakes come in as predicted saving some but not others (the skeptics). Others might demand that the information be free (not realizing that even fireman receive paychecks to cover their rent, food, etc.....) Maybe identifying weaknesses and retrofitting buildings is a good business area (especially if insurance dries up due too much uncertainty...as when unusual large quakes hit and destroy lots of formerly "low-risk" infrastructure). Maybe buildings/infrastructure on the east coast might need to catch up in this regard ...(though the bridges are falling apart due to decay anyway...) Anyway, this sounds like a good move for you (since you were formerly / still working for free...correct?) So...the big question...When and Where do they say the next Big One is going to hit ? (one marketing ploy is to "show your stuff" for free before charging people to gain a customer base). What's that old saying...put up or shut-up...? Don't feel singled out...as you are well aware, we're all subjected to this type of a drill. Just my $.02 worth p.s. It appears that have some method for choosing magnitudes. Interesting.
Follow Ups: ● Re: Some Miscellaneous business - Lowell 11:40:09 - 4/30/2002 (15355) (1) ● OK - n/t Re: Some Miscellaneous business - 2cents 18:28:24 - 4/30/2002 (15361) (0) |