Re: Happy Thanksgiving!
Posted by Beth on November 25, 1999 at 09:17:34:
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I was just reading everyone's good wishes and words of thanks and wisdom, and I was just thinking how truly blessed that we have made it through another year when the world, as well as our own personal lives, have been rocked by tragedy and disaster. Yet, through it all, we are still here and able to give thanks. I always tell my students that strength grows from stuggle; I always learn far more and grow stronger from the hard times than from the easy ones. I've known enough spoiled, indulged, children from my childhood who were incapable of functioning as adults because they had never struggled. So, my friends, give thanks for your blessings but also for the opportunities that your struggles give you to grow, to learn, and to strenthen yourselves. Happy Thanksgiving, may God bless, and may your turkeys never be undercooked! Beth
Follow Ups:
● Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - A Thanksgiving Prayer - Canie 10:05:34 - 11/25/1999 (1535) (1)
● Re: Happy Thanksgiving! - A Thanksgiving Prayer - Bob Shannon 15:22:15 - 11/27/1999 (1559) (0)