Posted by Don In Hollister on April 05, 2002 at 13:39:21:
Hi Cathryn. That advisement was for your area, not Petra’s. As soon as I finish the background work on it I will post it. There is still plenty of time left. I know you have a lot of nick knacks around your home that you don’t want broken so I gave you a heads up. In Petra’s case the only thing she has to worry about is her coffee pot. If it gets broken I don’t want to be anywhere near her. When she doesn’t get her coffee she is like a bear with a toothache. LOL And no chocolate please. I’m just about ready to run out of notches on my belt as it is. However with all the praise you just heaped on me I’m going to have to buy some more axle grease for my head. It’s that, or take the wall out. Take Care…Don in creepy town