Global Warming 'Confirmed' by International and National 'Think Tanks'...
Posted by Franklin Miller on March 27, 2002 at 12:26:45:

Subj: Global Warming 'Confirmed' by International and National 'Think Tanks'...

The following was sent to Nightline following their program titled "Nice Day if It Don't Rain"... last evening 03.26.2002...

According to a e-mail I received from Nighline staff earlier in the day concerning the program they had on last evening a "couple of experts who, while they agree on the basics of what is happening, there is no agreement on what it all means"...

According to my research They do know what it all means they just have a habit of keeping it to themselves ... see below...

Question: With the recent "Ice Shelf Collapse Re-ignites Global Warming Fears" article in the news lately why isn't there any International or National 'Think Tank' or Higher Educational Institution to come forward and admit 'Global Warming' is the cause for the dramatic weather changes...? Answer: Because they discuss all these things behind closed doors and privately amongst themselves ... until today... Read below and make and download copies of documents and send them around the world ... and walk those directories backwards you will be surprised as to what you will find...

A "Trace gas greenhouse effect and global warming" report you should really want to read about... Notice the United Kingdom Connection... - Check all reports on this link... note directory named 'suprises'... hidden to say the least... - 'Global Warming Confirmed' - The report is in here at the bottom...

U.S. Global Warming Sites you should really want to 'see', read and learn more about…

The US Global Change Research Information Office (GCRIO) - Provides access to data and information on climate change research, adaptation/mitigation strategies and technologies, and global change related educational resources on behalf of the US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP) and its participating Federal Agencies. GCRIO is implemented by The Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) at Columbia University. - (Note: this site has in it's banner home page title the words '(global warming)' following the sites title name… FRM 03.18.2002 @ ~ 5-6:30 A.M.)…

Potential impacts of future climate change and variability in the Great Lakes region.

The US Global Change Research Program (USGCRP)

Columbia University's Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN) - GCRIO above is implemented by (CIESIN)

The Geneva, Switzerland Connection... and the U.K. Connection... - The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (Note: directory name... this says it all)...

Follow Ups:
     ● Jason and the Arog...nauts or the Satellite Altimeter Mission and New Ocean Water Profiling Floats - Franklin Miller  12:21:58 - 3/28/2002  (14328)  (0)
     ● Re: Global Warming 'Confirmed' by International and National 'Think Tanks'...  - Lowell  12:53:05 - 3/27/2002  (14263)  (3)
        ● Re: Global Warming 'Confirmed' by International and National 'Think Tanks'...  - Canie  17:27:57 - 3/27/2002  (14280)  (0)
        ● Re: Past 10 years which saw 8 of the warmest - Franklin Miller  14:52:30 - 3/27/2002  (14272)  (0)
        ● Re: Past 10 years which saw 8 of the warmest - Franklin Miller  14:52:29 - 3/27/2002  (14271)  (1)
           ● Re: Past 10 years which saw 8 of the warmest - Lowell  16:54:45 - 3/27/2002  (14277)  (0)