Re: Are Major Earthquakes A Random Occurrence?
Posted by Lowell on March 17, 2002 at 23:21:04:

Several years ago I was given a book
"Mass Dreams of the Future" by Chet B. Snow, PhD. featuring
Hypnotic Future-life Progressions by Helen Wambach, PhD.

This is an interesting book on the topic raised by Petra. The book was a
compendium of dreams of the future from a host of people. Many, as Petra
has recounted saw a world devastated by natural disasters, including strong
earthquakes in the western U.S. The problem was/is that the book was published
in 1989 and most of these events were supposed to take place between 1995 and 2001.
At least for now, I do not see a world devastated by natural disasters at least not
in the sense that was portrayed in this book.
There was a group of dreamers, however who saw a much more optimistic
world - one where disease and hunger had been eliminated and slavery to our
jobs was a thing of the past, where man and womankind lived peacefully and cities
were once again livable.
We have been talking about verification of predictions. In this case, I am afraid
the evaluation of the dire predictions made in this book would have to be considered
a "miss". Let us hope that the hopeful dreams turn out to be a "hit".

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: For .02 Cents, Roger & Lowell - Petra Challus  20:36:42 - 3/18/2002  (13918)  (0)
     ● Re: Are Major Earthquakes A Random Occurrence? - Don In Hollister  12:24:14 - 3/18/2002  (13894)  (2)
        ● "Speed Of Light" correction. - 2cents  06:35:53 - 3/19/2002  (13923)  (0)
        ● Methuselah factor and ancient dating and mutation rates. - 2cents  06:29:42 - 3/19/2002  (13922)  (0)