A mouse named Spot
Posted by Cathryn on March 17, 2002 at 01:06:46:

Because she was white with a brown spot on her back. She was a member of our family for nine months before she misteriously became ill. She became listless. Lost weight. Wouldn't play on her wheel and shunned socialization.

Yesterday, when I found her wheezing and unable to walk, I injected her with 5 mg. valium. She died peacefully in my hands. I buried her in the soil of our favorite indoor palm.

It is so sad that one can become attached to a rodent and actually grieve her passing. Spot had real personality. I will never know what made her sick, as her cage mate, Squeak, is in fine health.

Today my daughters and I went to the pet store and bought Ziggy, a little brown mouse with a white streak on her back and tummy. She is very sweet.

At least Spot didn't have to suffer to the bitter end. Still, I miss her little mousy presence in our home. She was a great mouse. Sniff.


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     ● Re: A mouse named Spot - Canie  21:23:28 - 3/17/2002  (13860)  (0)