Re: Unusual EQ between Bermuda and Florida
Posted by Canie on January 12, 2002 at 08:33:27:

That sure is an unusual spot for a quake! Maybe the start of our distant future? (see link below)

I was waiting for the proton flux to drop a bit before suggesting that Don look for another likely place in the ring of fire (or anywhere ) for a large 6.5+ quake to hit. The Electron flux had been bottomed out for a few days and usually a large quake follows once it bounces back up but its also been noted that a high proton flux will act to dampen quake activity.

I'd think that as soon as the proton flux drops that we're due - but no location info - here's where Don can help look for a 'ripe' area.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Unusual EQ between Bermuda and Florida -  10:51:14 - 1/12/2002  (12539)  (1)
        ● Re: Unusual EQ between Bermuda and Florida - M J  19:53:45 - 1/12/2002  (12541)  (1)
           ● Re: Unusual EQ between Bermuda and Florida - M. J.  20:27:53 - 1/12/2002  (12542)  (1)
              ● Re: Unusual EQ between Bermuda and Florida - Canie  23:53:53 - 1/12/2002  (12543)  (1)
                 ● Re: Unusual EQ between Bermuda and Florida - M.J.  22:56:20 - 1/13/2002  (12545)  (1)
                    ● East Coast -  06:36:47 - 1/14/2002  (12547)  (0)