Re: Happy Birthday Cathryn
Posted by 2cents on January 05, 2002 at 02:36:37:

Hi Cathryn:

In an effort to help one idea is to make sure that you have a healthy body. You may want to check out the link below on "silver ions" which kill off all pathogens (and good bacteria too in gut seems but which can be replaced). I only have hearsay on this topic but you may wish to try it out if you think it may be a factor in your health...which can effect the mind.

Also though I'm even keeled in that regard most of the time, I've found that I get euphoric from working out (from muscle soreness ?). Do you work out regularly? If not, this could help you out.

Any way these are given in the spirit if clearing any physical health hurdles which may effect your state of mind / emotions.

Let me know if you try it out and if it works out.

To get back On Topic...well.... Just maybe that swarm in baha/mex may bloom into a bigger event providing certain conditions prevail Or maybe it will remain a low magnitude swarm event for awhile and then die out. I think the previous M > 5 might have open up some deep crevices in that region.... There may be just speculation on what those other "conditions" may be....
