Re: Terracycles
Posted by on December 14, 2001 at 05:18:15:

"Now I suggest that dew on an apple is thicker than that by many times. Anybody got a number for dewdrops?"

Some have once said, and I think it demands a bit of philosophical addition:
"Anyone can count the apples on a tree, but only God can count the trees in an apple!" ..and while that is somewhat poetic, once science went into the cloning notions, I think maybe there are ways to count the trees in an apple, but only if you see a tree in each seed. That is the kicker. Some seeds are dropped. Some take root. Some are thrown away..Only under close scrutiny and scientific environment can we do it with any degree of accuracy...but then we have taken the poetic away completely lost in its beauty of a phrase. I would rather think that some things will never be known...