Re: So CA EQ Watch Advisory
Posted by Canie on December 03, 2001 at 09:00:52:

Hi Petra - I did have an odd eartone last night myself after not having one since 11/16 - it was about 8 seconds long, high pitched and in my right ear - I was laying down (attempting a nap) about 6pm when it occurred.

It was a bit different from the others as usually the ear sort of 'closes' and then the tone hits - it didn't close this time and I was unsure if it was an external versus internal source.

I had lots of earthquake dreams on the night of 11/30-12/1 but I don't think that's too unusual.

The cats are acting about as normal as they act (which isn't very normal) so they aren't acting unusual.

I do have one friend who is very 'sensitive' and she's been very sick this last week. She feels lots of shoulder/head tension prior to quakes and we're trying to keep a log of some sort with her - we're just now exploring the posssibility of some relationship to earthquakes - she gets some relief and then wham! So we're trying to get a little better handle on it. I think she's had this flu that's going around so she's not much of an indicator right now either.

We're still in the window from that Mexico-gulf quake set - its about 7-10 days. So thru 12/8 the warning is still on from the other quakes.


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     ● Re: So CA EQ Watch Advisory - Canie - Petra Challus  12:24:31 - 12/3/2001  (11507)  (0)