PREDICTION - Challis, Idaho Earthquake Forecast |
Magnitude: 2.0-3.0Md Looking for a 2.0 to 3.0 quake at 44.6N/114.5W. This is about 30Km NW of Challis, Idaho and should be in the Challis National Forest. Should occur on 11/27/2001. The window opens on 11/25/2001 and will close on 11/29/2001. The radius on this is 40Km. Okay Petra. I made this forecast far enough in advance so you can have some time to pick your location. One of my famous steak dinners if you win, crispy fried chicken with smashed taters with your gravy if I win. I feel I must warn though. You haven’t got a chance. I have this one in the bag. The fix is in. Take Care…Gloating and loving it Cowboy Follow Ups: ● Re: Challis, Idaho Earthquake Forecast - Petra Challus 07:18:55 - 11/20/2001 (11172) (1) ● Re: Challis, Idaho Earthquake Forecast - Don In Hollister 12:27:23 - 11/20/2001 (11176) (1) ● Re: Challis, Idaho Earthquake Forecast - Petra Challus 20:41:39 - 11/20/2001 (11182) (1) ● Re: Challis, Idaho Earthquake Forecast - Don In Hollister 23:09:55 - 11/20/2001 (11185) (0) |