X1.0 Flare occurred this morning at 08:03 PST (16:03 UT)
Posted by Lowell on November 04, 2001 at 10:17:43:

A strong X1.0 class solar flare occurred this morning with the following

#Event Begin Max End Obs Q Type Loc/Frq Particulars Regh
600 + 1603 1620 1657 GO8 5 XRA 1-8A X1.0 2.2E-01
0803 PST

The only associated earthquake in California was a Ml 1.5 E of
Lee Vining:

map 1.5 2001/11/04 08:08:42 37.983N 118.746W 0.0 33 km (20 mi) E of Lee Vi
ning, CA

A moderate earthquake did occur during the flare in southern Iran
(Mb~ 5) and after the flare near Crete Greece (Mb 5.1). Source:

This appears to be the end of the strong seismic quiet of the past
two days.

A strong proton storm began almost immediately after the flare, and
electron flux dropped to virtually non-existence. The proton storm
will tend to reduce induced currents in the earth (without electron
flux, there are no currents in the ionosphere) and dampen seismicity
for the immediate time, however, a strong geomagnetic storm is likely
in 2-3 days, and at that time a strong surge of seismicity could be
seen. The initial triggered seismicity (possibly at Crete and Iran)
is probably related to the immediate flare effects.