Re: Solar/Geomagnetic Data sites for comparison with Shan's data
Posted by R.Shanmugasundaram on October 28, 2001 at 17:35:31:

Hi all,

When I exposed the idea of inclination changes, some experts are denied.
So far I don't get such inclination data and today I got this through this
forum and I will see & analyze it soon. Meanwhile I thought that the
deviation in the readings was due to uneven and wavy motion of the earth's
crust(may be adopt as other form of inclination).

Yeh.. you got the point that I am taking reading of 15 minutes intervals.
But the humidity, sun rays entered in a low angle in morning and evening
hours can be eliminated if more observatories to be opened 250 MILES APART
in 4 directions. What ever being the task, I assure you that this method is
working perfectly and all we sit and combine to make a suitable scientific
theory for this invention and to make it simple to use individually even by
villagers who are living in far away places and facing earthquakes.