Re: 6.4 quake on 4 th Oct 2013
Posted by Island Chris on October 05, 2013 at 09:53:15:

I prefer to not worry about predictions unless they were made on this page. But Amit looked at statistics of quakes that were exactly M6.4. I doubt that the prediction he made was for exactly M6.4: there is usually a range of magnitudes in predictions. So, you have to look at what the range in your prediction was. If it was M6 to M7, or M6.0 and above, there is such a quake somewhere in the world about every 2 days. Maybe every 3 days if you remove aftershocks. So, chances of having one by chance is 50% per day, or 33% per day.

Amit, instead of expecting us to go to you site to look for original prediction, you should paste it into a post here. Better to have a direct link to a prediction made on earthwaves.
