Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect..
Posted by Skywise on January 15, 2013 at 23:16:05:

Since I am a bit of a night owl, I listen to the Coast to Coast show often. I find it entertaining, enlightening, and sometimes educational.

Recently there was a scientist on which was talking about things psi related... premonition, astrology, etc... He had an interesting analogy to explain probability. Hopefully I can restate it reasonably accurately.

You have a thousand people predicting coin flips. They make a prediction of either heads or tails, then flip the coin.

With that many people attempting to predict the coin flips, and them doing it repeatedly, eventually one of them is going to accurately predict ten coin flips in a row.

Does that mean that that one person can predict coin flips while the other 999 can't?


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  10:22:01 - 1/16/2013  (100099)  (1)
        ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - AMIT  11:25:07 - 1/16/2013  (100101)  (1)
           ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  12:11:52 - 1/16/2013  (100103)  (1)
              ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Amit  20:16:33 - 1/16/2013  (100107)  (2)
                 ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Skywise  20:53:46 - 1/16/2013  (100109)  (0)
                 ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  20:28:32 - 1/16/2013  (100108)  (2)
                    ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Amit  22:29:41 - 1/16/2013  (100112)  (1)
                       ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  23:22:45 - 1/16/2013  (100113)  (1)
                          ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Amit  19:48:44 - 1/17/2013  (100116)  (1)
                             ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  20:03:07 - 1/17/2013  (100118)  (1)
                                ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Amit  08:55:42 - 1/18/2013  (100120)  (2)
                                   ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  09:41:47 - 1/18/2013  (100122)  (0)
                                   ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  09:26:21 - 1/18/2013  (100121)  (1)
                                      ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Amit  10:42:33 - 1/18/2013  (100123)  (1)
                                         ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  12:28:22 - 1/18/2013  (100124)  (2)
                                            ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Amit  13:06:55 - 1/18/2013  (100126)  (1)
                                               ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  13:50:13 - 1/18/2013  (100127)  (0)
                                            ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Amit  12:56:32 - 1/18/2013  (100125)  (0)
                    ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Roger Hunter  21:14:43 - 1/16/2013  (100110)  (1)
                       ● Re: Northern Sumatra 8M suspect.. - Skywise  22:22:49 - 1/16/2013  (100111)  (0)