Re: thought for the day
Posted by Lowell on October 07, 2001 at 21:42:19:

Your theory of how geomagnetic storms help trigger seismic activity sound mighty
familiar. It is based on the Ohmic heating idea - as electrical currents travel through
the earth, they lose their energy by heating the surroundings.
Give this a thought too. One theory that became popular after the increase in
activity at volcanic areas following the Landers earthquake of 1992 was that the
microbubbles clinging to the sides of the magma chamber were dislodged by the
seismic waves. These bubbles as they rise through the magma expand creating
additional pressure on the sides of the chamber and may trigger earthquakes in
this manner. Fold this into your theory and I think you've got something.
Keep up the speculation. I read the other day that people who use their
minds throughout their lives are less likely to develop mental diseases (such
as Alzheimers) in later life because they have a reserve of cells to replace the
one's that are damaged.
No one should be complacent mentally, physically OR spiritually. All disuse can
lead to is deterioration and eventual death. AND, keep that great music coming.