Re: Pacific NW Repeating EQ Patterns
Posted by Don in Hollister on September 29, 2001 at 09:43:51:

Hi Petra. You are one weird lady. I would be willing to bet that if you could find a way to build a house on top of Rodgers Creek fault you would do it. You would build it so the fault ran right though the middle of it. You would have a flexible covered hallway that would cross it so that when it moved it wouldn't split your home into two pieces as it would already be in two pieces.

I will have to admit though that the house you're moving into appears to be safer then the one you're currently in. At least the new one doesn't have cracks all over the place with indications of uplifting. Not a bad view from upstairs either. From there you can see the ground wave coming at you when Rodgers Creek fault breaks and that would give you some time to prepare for the ride of your life. Somehow I feel you would enjoy it. If I've said it once I have said it a thousands times. You are one weird lady, but in many ways pleasently strange. Take Care…Don in creepy town