PREDICTION - Killington, United Kingdom Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on September 18, 2001 at 11:48:03:

Magnitude: 1.5-3.0
From: 09/21/2001PDT - To: 09/26/2001PDT
Location: Killington, United Kingdom
Lat: 54.3N - Long: 2.6W - Range: 80Km

Hi All. Just so no one thinks I’m picking on the West Coast I thought it would be interesting if I could find another probable location for a small quake. I thought it should be a place where we never hear anything about a quake occurring there, but a place that everyone should know.

Low and behold I found just such a place. It’s the United Kingdom (England.)

It should occur at 54.3N/2.6W. This is about 1Km NW of Killington, England, or 75Km NNE of Liverpool, England.

Magnitude for this quake should be 1.5-3.0Ml and should occur on 09/23/2001. The window will open on 09/21/2001 and close on 09/26/2001. The radius on this is 80Km.

It should be fun to see how close I get to this one, or better yet how far off I am. Take Care…Don in creepy town