prediction: Kansas/South Dakota/Nebraska
Posted by K2 on August 29, 2001 at 14:08:16:

I couldn't sleep last night so I spent hours looking at various 8GOES images. I noticed a double cloud formation at the Tri-state junction.One runs diagonally across the south east corner of South Dakota. The second parallels it running from the NE corner of Nebraska into west central Kansas. There is also a cloud running west to east across Minnisota. I wouldn't be mentioning any of this if it were not for another prediction I made but did not post last night. That was for the Colorado/New Mexico border around 110 W./ 44N. Now I see there was a 3.5 event today 10 miles SW of Trinadad Co. 37.08N 104.65W . I am not familiar with these areas so please forgive my lack of acuity with the meridians

Follow Ups:
     ● Alabama Earthquakes - related?? - Lowell  16:03:58 - 8/29/2001  (9196)  (0)