PREDICTION - Kalispell, Montana Earthquake Forecast
Posted by Don In Hollister on August 23, 2001 at 13:44:59:

Magnitude: 2.9-4.1
From: 08/27/2001PDT - To: 09/01/2001
Location: Kalispell, Montana
Lat: 48.2N - Long: 114.5W - Range: 40Km

Hi All. I think I’m going out on a limb again. There is a chance of a 2.9 to 4.1Ml at 48.2N/114.5W on 08/29/2001. This is about 10 miles west of Kalispell, Montana. Window opens on 08/27/2001 and closes on 09/01/2001. Radius is 40Km. Take Care…Don in creepy town

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Kalispell, Montana Earthquake Forecast - Petra Challus  18:16:48 - 8/23/2001  (9044)  (1)
        ● Re: Kalispell, Montana Earthquake Forecast - Don In Hollister  19:33:37 - 8/23/2001  (9054)  (1)
           ● Re: Kalispell, Montana Earthquake Forecast - Lowell  20:17:37 - 8/23/2001  (9057)  (1)
              ● Re: Helena MT Forecast - Petra Challus  21:44:34 - 8/23/2001  (9065)  (2)
                 ● Re: Helena MT Forecast - Canie  07:10:21 - 8/24/2001  (9077)  (0)
                 ● Re: Helena MT Forecast - Lowell  22:18:16 - 8/23/2001  (9066)  (0)