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Re: Be my guest! |
Jesus said, according to Luke: 12 But before all these, they shall lay their hands on you, and persecute you, So, I have been warned. There will be days like this. Your are absolutely right about; "He has said in the Bible that you shouln't attempt to predict nature, or rely on psychic type phenomena since it is an open door to the devil," with the exception of one word. He didn't say "nature." He said future and was directing His words to the fortune tellers, quick to take your purse and lead you this way and that. But I am neither a fortune teller or a psychic...although I have had a few experiences which have convinced me that the supernatural does indeed exist. I have no more idea what is going to happen tomorrow than you do. Although lately, it's been easy to think expect more bad news. Whatever, for me, my involvement in EQ prediction began purely as a physical phenomenon, where I would get a pressure to the left side of my forehead and, within three days, a local EQ would occur. This happened so many times, it could not be ignored and so began my journey into trying to determine what it was in nature which was causing me to feel the pressure before an EQ event. To that extent, I have been a total failure. For I still don't know. I think it is an electromagnetic change in the earth, but what exactly still eludes me. Whatever, once I was convinced that something real was going on, a friend came along and said; "Ya know, you should write this all down and see what that tells you." So, in August 1992, I began to document my sensations and record all EQs which were reported. Landers gave me lots of practice, but a year and an half later, I was no wiser... other than to know a nice EQ was coming. Then Northridge hit and, in February, I underwent a change from the normal pressure to my forehead to smaller size pressures in eight different locations on my forehead. Observing then what followed in the terms of EQs, I was able to associate my locations with locations in the world and that's how the RS, RB, LS, etc. came about. But I had no way to make one on one matches. I needed much more information, so I joined up with Prodigy and found others who claimed to be EQ sensitive. As I learned, I shared my experiences. Then came Coles and Berkland and their observation of 1, 4, 9, 16 days from signal to EQ and my slow realization that these numbers were not just numbers but square numbers and with that, an idea; what if I took that date of the quake and subtracted back in time the square numbers, might I not find a match to my pressures of the past? By then, I had a year and an half of +6 EQs and to my utter amazement, I found matches. The first ones perfectly. But then there were those which were out by 1, 2, 3, 4 days one side or the other...providing then a nine day window of time in which the EQ could occur. This was March 1995. Now, having gone back to college and having taken four course in Statistics, I decided to test this discovery across all eight areas and see what time would prove. Up to this point, I had no arguement with CALTECH or USGS stand that EQs occur in random and, therefore, cannot be predicted. But they didn't occur in random. They only occur within their windows and this realization made it clear that someone was making the EQs occur accordingly. But who, pray tell? Could man being making each and every EQ? There was H.A.A.R.P. to consider. Nay, there have always been quakes and they would have to be making every quake within my range of magnitude. How about Aliens then. The same held true for them...and why would they take over EQ making...if they could? That only left God and God it's been ever since in my mind. Now, if you were dealing with God, what would you do? Stop documenting and forget the whole matter? I think not. I think you would conclude that if this was happening to you, then God had a purpose in mind and the only logical conclusion would be to continue to post and tell anyone who wished to know and follow along. And so I have. From time to time, there have been those, such as yourself, who have demanded more evidence and I have sent copies of my data out to them. Canie came along and offered to post a page at her site so that people could go, read and decide for themselves. Boy, had that ever saved me time! Thank you Canie. I can never say; "Hey folks, during this window of time, the quake will occur!" That decision rests with God and has kept me from becoming a fortune teller. So, you see, you are right. That door can allow Satan in, but I have been protected from that fear. Doesn't mean, though, that I shouldn't expect Satan to attack me from time to time. But I don't believe he has quite dared to do so yet...so don't think I am implying you are in his camp. I think you just haven't been following me long enough to know that I am sincere, if nothing else, and am doing what I believe God has wanted me to do. Diane Follow Ups: ● Re: Be my guest! - Liz Potter 21:04:33 - 11/4/1999 (901037) (1) ● Re: Scientific aspect - Steven T. 04:52:11 - 11/5/1999 (901055) (1) ● Re: Good thoughts - Diane 07:29:51 - 11/5/1999 (901057) (0) ● Re: Be my guest! - HRH 17:14:15 - 11/4/1999 (901031) (0) |
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