Re: You too are loved
Posted by Diane {d[11DOT40]pope[011AT4]} on November 04, 1999 at 15:45:17:

"Unorthadox" predictions? Aren't they all that? Especially mine? All are welcomed, but there must be responsibility in presenting them or, as in the child who called wolf one too many times, no one will listen and paid attention when the right one comes along. As much as possible, predictions should include place, time, location, probablity and, because predictions here are unothadox, a basis should be given. I.E. "I've have five future dreams, which all came true to the letter. This one feels the same."

Sasquatch? Haven't decided. I need more evidence. I did meet a man who grew up in Eureka and swore he heard what could have been one while hunting in the woods, but he never saw one.

Tooth Fairy? Yeah, I did as a child...until my dear mother sat me down one day and explained what was real and what wasn't. Ruined my whole day, believe me.

Alien abduction? No. I learned of the idea of UFOs in the fifth grade and spent years looking, sending out thought waves and paying close attention to every report I came across. Even met a man in the Navy who said he had seen a UFO in one of our secret facilities. But this is too important a subject for me to blindly believe in without my own eyes seeing and, inspite of my search, I have never seen anything I ever thought even close to an UFO in the sky. Or on the ground for that matter. I remain open minded and have no problem with the concept. Our God is on very creative guy and, with all those stars up there, why not? It's possible, but I need hard evidence before I will believe.

As for God, yes, I do believe in Him and He has provided that hard evidence in the way of His EQ scheduling, mathematically based, through the thousands of EQ matches to date over the last four years. But He didn't stop there. He wanted to be sure I believed with all my mind, heart and soul and so, has provided my every need for the last 12 years in ways you could not imagine unless it happened to you. And it can happen to you, but it takes you to make the first move. Ask and He will come. He loves you and waits for you to open your heart, mind and soul to Him. If you are willing, He will forgive all your past doings, touch your heart with love and begin to teach you the true meaning of why we are all here.
