Re: east of SAF?
Posted by Diane {d[11DOT33]pope[311AT3]} on November 03, 1999 at 07:31:43:

He first said; "there will be a 7.8 quake in the los angeles area on 11/11/99. " Then, after responses, he said:" if you live within 40 miles of the los angeles area and want to assure that you live, find a safe place to stay before 11/11/99. safe places are east of the california state line and south of neveda. do not go to las vegas area. it is near the next major epicenter. "

The distance from LA to Vegas is an average 5 hour drive, well beyond his 40 miles. Lander's 7.2 quake was around 70 miles from LA and did very little damage here. Joshua Tree's 7.1 is around the same distance and did even less damage here. I had NOTHING fall or move in place. So, for us to all DIE, Lucan's quake has got to be a 12 if near "las vegas area. it is near the next major epicenter. "

I am not attacking Lucan just to be mean. All I am trying to convey is such a catastophic prediction must be back up with something rational/concrete or it only serves to alarm people unnessarily and there is enough of that going on in our real world as it is. There are many people living here who are scared to death of quakes as it is and for someone to come out of nowhere making such a prediction without backup is mean hearted...if not just plain evil.

I just posted the possible for my RS (Northridge north) area, which is beyound LA and you can see those mags could give a nice ride, but are not killers of the masses. RB which will be in critical on 11/11 could produce another +7 and we have already seen what +7s this close to LA has done. So, again, I say; "No to worry!"


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: east of SAF? - Elizabeth  21:55:00 - 11/3/1999  (900994)  (1)
        ● Re: east of SAF? - Jeanine  22:03:59 - 11/3/1999  (900995)  (0)
     ● Re: east of SAF? - LUCIAN  13:04:42 - 11/3/1999  (900988)  (1)
        ● Re: east of SAF? - Jeanine  22:30:44 - 11/3/1999  (901000)  (1)
           ● Re: Jeanine - Diane  17:23:01 - 11/4/1999  (901033)  (1)
              ● Re: Diane - Jeanine  23:15:36 - 11/4/1999  (901047)  (0)
     ● Re: east of SAF? - Cathryn  10:17:08 - 11/3/1999  (900983)  (1)
        ● Re: east of SAF? - LUCIAN  13:08:04 - 11/3/1999  (900989)  (1)
           ● Re: east of SAF? - Cathryn  13:40:25 - 11/3/1999  (900990)  (0)