Re: ALERT-Get Ready!
Posted by Bob Shannon {earth[211AT1]televar[11DOT12]com} on November 01, 1999 at 11:41:14:

I had total release today upon awakening. Yesterday was at 50%....I may have to extend the window. This means a Type II quake.....I would guestimate in a few days....
I was VERY manic last week. TERRIBLE stress. Enough to make me want to just stay in bed doped up. It might have been better if I had:-) Anyway for what it is worth I agree and window is extended!

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: ALERT-Get Ready! - Mary in SoCA  21:28:29 - 11/1/1999  (900928)  (0)
     ● Re: Good! - Diane  16:15:02 - 11/1/1999  (900922)  (0)