Nearly the whole world is out of critical for any large quake. This will begin to change in a few days and November could be the worst of EQ months. Many PRs will merge in time, in groups, and in areas, which I am seeing as very strange. Given all this time and experience. But for the next couple of days, we should be safe and have time to restock, check our EQ supplies for freshness and don't forget your pet's need. >LS-NORTH SAN FRANCISICO TO TIP OF ALUETIANS/+4.8 at S.F./100% >RS-NORTHRIDGE TO SAN JOSE/4.4/50% >RB ARC - RIDGECREST TO N. GULF OF CAL./+4.2/50% >C L. A. BASIN-SOUTH COAST-/+4.0/+50% >TL-RING OF FIRE/WORLD OUTSIDE OTHER AREAS/+6.3/50% >TL S RANGE SPIKES IN CRITICAL: Two S-, Three S and One S+ >For my history and 7.0 hits, July, August and September hits. Follow Ups: ● Re: CRITICAL EQ WINDOWS - Cathryn 07:09:43 - 10/31/1999 (900884) (1) ● Re: CRITICAL EQ WINDOWS - Diane 21:51:36 - 10/31/1999 (900899) (1) ● Thanks, Diane (NT) - Cathryn 05:58:18 - 11/1/1999 (900902) (0) |