Jack Coles
Posted by Daniel J. Karnes {cpstn[310AT31]gte[10DOT313]net} on October 31, 1999 at 02:28:54:

From Canie:

>Daniel - I really don't care who's methods he's using - I like to know of his warnings.


Then you have a very serious credibility problem if you will accept the "warnings"
of a convicted and jailed child molestor with no access to any form of instrumentation
beyond rattling jail bars and a magnetometer that gets shipped from female pen-pal
to female pen-pal. And Coles pen-pals tend to dump him when they find out what his
agenda is.

Coles is a zero and always has been. I am sorry I ever placed a whit of trust in thaat
monster. Nothing there but a few news stories he caused to be generated himself.


Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Jack Coles, for Daniel - Mary/Maya  14:06:24 - 10/31/1999  (900894)  (0)
     ● Re: Enough - Diane  06:29:45 - 10/31/1999  (900880)  (0)
     ● Re: Jack Coles - Char  04:21:09 - 10/31/1999  (900878)  (0)