Re: And Sometimes it takes just one person to stand up and say NO!
Posted by Jeanine on October 28, 1999 at 13:19:46:

Hi All,
I have no Ides what "Mark" God put on Cain,
But from my understamding it was a mark on his face???? Not his whole body....
I Don't have a Bible at my hand right now, but I will look and see if I can find the "Mark" part .
No, I do not believe that God "Marked" him by making him Black.
I also feel that to say that is a gross misjudgement. We are made in the image of our diety and that is why my belief system has more than one God.
The answer is given in the next verse: (3:22) Then Yahweh God said, "See, the man has become like one of us, with his knowledge of good and evil. He must not be allowed to stretch his hand out next and pick from the tree of life also, and eat some and live forever."

Like "US" ??? Who is He refering to ??? In my belief us means more than one. Also, there is more than one skin color, eye color, hair color, So I believe there had to be more than one God.

This is only MY Belief. I do not expect anyone else to share it.

I do not mean to upset anyone on this board. I was just asking a question. I was told that this board was of open minded people and I could share, Sooo I did.
Diane, I thank you for your warm welcome and hope this does not interfer with all the Great work that is going on in the Forum.
I like to talk to differant people of differant beliefs, Because if we do not comunicate how are we to learn???