Re: Some Pictures Online - Kewl
Posted by Canie {canie[110AT18]basicso[10DOT181]com} on October 18, 1999 at 11:43:22:

Here are some captions for the Paul "Kip" Otis-Diehl, USMC, 29 Palms photographs that can be found at:

>#02 - Looking towards NW across Lavic Lake, rupture passing
> from lower right, stepping out toward upper left;
> NW end of the surface rupture is in the distance
> on the far side of Lavic Lake.
>#03 - cracks on far side of wash
> These we call 'en-echelon' breaks where they step sideways
>#04 - splaying of fractures viewed from above
>#05 - Southeast of maximum displacement site. Here we see 3-4 meters
> of right-lateral slip have offset a ridge and created a
> 'shutter' ridge blocking flow in the dry creek channel.
> The white vertical surface is the fault scarp.
>#06 - fractures crossing a wash
>#07 - view right along the main
> rupture zone, and also visible is a subsidiary fracture
> from lower right corner coalescing with the main break
> in the middle distance.
>#08 - View downward onto vehicle tracks crossing the fault at
> a high angle. One can see 2.5 to 3.5 meter right-lateral
> displacement of the tracks.
>#09 - Fracture running along hillside in low-relief topography
> with offset gullies and tracks
>#10 - Ground view along surface rupture, showing the fracturing
> of the soil and how pieces have been pushed up within
> the fault zone.
>#11 - Subparallel breaks coalesce on face of hill (in shadow)
> and form a single rupture heading off to the upper left
>#12 - Downward view onto gullies, gravel bar, and other laterally
> offset features. Here slip appears to be about 2 meters
>#13 - rupture cutting across the countryside in loose alluvium
>#14 - breaks cutting alluvium, nicely lit
>#15 - View downward onto site with maximum observed lateral
> displacement along the Lavic Lake fault. Here a vehicle
> track and dry creek bed are laterally offset by approx.
> 370-480 centimeters. The orientation of fractures here
> is nearly North-South. Compression locally across the
> fault pushed up a 'mole track' where the fault breaks
> the dirt road at the right side of the photo.
>#16 - fracture cutting across the countryside
>#17- fracture cutting across the countryside (left to right) such
> that fault scarp is lit up by the sun, appearing as a bold
> white line
>#18 - 'Mole track' at the max. slip site from the ground
>#19 - view towards south across Lavic Lake, with the surface
> rupture running from lower right to upper left. In the
> middle distance on the right is an ancient lava flow
>#20 - splayed fractures running through loose alluvium
>#21 - 'apparent' vertical displacement and scarps caused by
> mainly lateral slip
>#22 - same as 21

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Opps - Credits - Canie  11:46:09 - 10/18/1999  (900443)  (0)