Or two-and-a-half (Lee Vining/Mammoth Lakes)
Posted by Lowell on July 15, 2001 at 15:20:21:

As expected in the posting above, the Coso swarm was followed by a swarm
of earthquakes near Mammoth Lakes (actually about 30 km north in the Lee
Vining area). Off and on throughout the day there have been Ml>=2 events
popping up in that region.
Two unusual earthquakes also occurred off the northwestern coast - off
Ft. Bragg and W. of Point Arena. These are in unusual epicenters. When
events occur near these two epicenters, there is often a larger event not too
many days later in the Central California area - just an unsubstantiated
recollection on my part, but that is the way it seems to my memory.