Posted by Don in Hollister on July 06, 2001 at 09:30:01:
Hi Petra. This morning’s quake (3.7Ml) is ½ mile north of your study area and ¾ miles east of Crane Creek Regional Park. This puts in on the Rodgers Creek Fault. The distance from your home to this morning’s quake is 8.9054Km or just a little over 5 miles. There have been only 4 quakes further south then this morning’s quake. They are the 4 that occurred southeast of Corona Road near Adobe Road in Dec of 1981 the strongest of which was a 3.2Ml. Those four quakes were 2.3917Km or just a little over 1.4 miles from where you live. Now you can truly say you have had your very own earthquake. Take Care…Don in creepy town.