Re: test
Posted by Skywise on December 16, 2012 at 17:16:42:

That's better.

Here's what I did:

{pre}{tt}{font size="3"}
put text here
{/pre}{/tt}{/font size="3"}

You need to replace the curly braces with "<" and ">"

The 'pre' tag is supposed to use a fixed width font, but doesn't seem to work on my end.

So I added the 'tt' tag to force fixed width.

You can't just use 'tt' alone otherwise multiple spaces are ignored to only a single space which messes up the formatting.

I used the font size tag to make the font a bit bigger.

Remember to close the tags properly '/tag' otherwise the rest of the post will continue to have that format, and it may even screw up the appearance of the rest of the page.
