M6.3 far offshore northern Baja
Posted by Island Chris on December 14, 2012 at 06:07:12:

Good morning
slightly modified email I just sent out to some colleagues.
There was a M6.3 normal slip quake west of Greg's southern thesis and not far from two crossing seismic lines: w5-82-075A and W582-11B.

But, also in ocean lithosphere west of the trench, and the water is 5 s TWTT deep, and one of the lines is only 6 s and the other 7 s (or they were only loaded that far). What was GSI doing shooting seismic that far out?

This could be relevant to the De Mets talk that the eastern Pacific may be deforming because both Guadalupe Island and Socorro Island are moving south at 1 1/2 mm/yr with respect to Pacific Plate.

Whether the island velocities are correct and where that deformation takes place is important to how much motion there can be west of San Nicolas Island and Baja, and for that matter, west of Central Califoria coast.
