Posted by Island Chris on December 04, 2012 at 08:38:00:
I think there have been efforts to use clouds of people's computers to do intensive calculations for modeling. 3D ground motion is very demanding. But to address what you are interested in: If even one person who was interested in the faults that cut through their country of Haiti was given a smart phone and asked to fix it to a concrete floor on the lowest room of their house, then there might have been a usable recording of the 2010 Haiti quake from within the country (there was a single seismometer in Haiti and I think it did not work, or not work well). The USGS epicenter and dip of focal mechanisms was, I think, far wrong. If the Native Canadians of northern British Columbia coast were operating some GPS or seismometer stations, we would know more about the M7.7. etc. Chris