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Re: The 2012 U.S. Election Outcome and Its Implications For Science - November 7, 2012 |
I really thought of all the people on this forum, you'd be smarter than that. My mistake. Go right ahead, Roger. Spend a bunch of money you don't have and see how far you get. One day you will have to pay the piper. Then what? Borrow more money? Might work. Then when you have to pay THAT debt. Another loan? From who? Rack up too much debt and you won't be able to borrow. Have insufficient equity or collateral and you won't be able to borrow. Eventually it catches up to you. I have never outspent my income. I have always lived within my means. Yet, I'm treated like a pariah because I *can* budget my money. For example, I can't get a rental because my income is not 3x the rent. You know why landlords demand that? Because of idiots who spend more money than they earn and don't know how to budget their money and end up choosing their fancy new SUV and big screen TV over their rent payment. (rent has often exceeded 50% of my income, and I did just fine, even have the big screen TV) Continuing to borrow based on POSSIBLE future returns is nothing more than a Ponzi/pyramid scheme. It only continues to work as long as more and more people pay into the system. The whole debt/credit scheme is a giant sham that everyone who played the game is at fault for. Future returns ARE NEVER GUARANTEED. Things may go good for a while, even a long while. But eventually, feces occurs. The piper comes calling. Look at all the people who bought houses with hyperinflated values. (a topic all it's own) Look where they are now? How the bleep did they get a loan for a $600k house on a McDonalds income? Low introductory ADJUSTABLE interest rate. Now that its adjusted upward, they can't pay it because they BOUGHT MORE THAN THEY EARN. And now MY taxes are paying their bills. BAH!!!! To think I got a D- in economics in high school and I UNDERSTAND THIS BASIC PRINCIPLE. Bunch of fools on this planet. I have no pity for them. They did it to themselves. You are now reaping what you sowed. I laugh at thee. I wouldn't care except now, because of _their_ ineptitude *I* am suffering. My only mistake is that I've not been a backstabbing conniving cheating user that didn't care who I stepped on to get ahead in life. Brian Follow Ups: ● Re: The 2012 U.S. Election Outcome and Its Implications For Science - November 7, 2012 - Roger Hunter 17:19:24 - 11/7/2012 (80521) (1) ● Re: The 2012 U.S. Election Outcome and Its Implications For Science - November 7, 2012 - Skywise 18:27:27 - 11/7/2012 (80522) (1) ● Re: The 2012 U.S. Election Outcome and Its Implications For Science - November 7, 2012 - Roger Hunter 19:09:08 - 11/7/2012 (80523) (0) |
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