Re: SCEC VDO for Brian
Posted by Skywise on September 16, 2012 at 14:18:45:

I found the website. Interesting. Fairly similar to what I've had in mind for my program based on the sample videos I've found.

I probably couldn't offer much to the project, especially programming wise. It appears to be written in Java, which I don't know. And their software is already so far ahead of my current goals.

I'm kind of bummed. I see that many of the details I have planned for my program are in some form in the VDO program, although I thought of them independently before I was even aware of their work (which is just now). But, there are also ideas I have that I don't know if theirs can do, but it probably can. I just haven't seen mention or demonstration of them.

I think I will continue on my project. For one, I need the challenge to improve my programming skills and for something to do (being unemployed is boring). Also, my implementation will be different so it may still be of interest to others. There are many applications in the world for which there is more than one program. They may all have the same goal and end result, but it's how they get there that makes the difference for the end user.
