Forecast Program Software Update – August 27, 2012
Posted by EQF on August 27, 2012 at 09:24:16:

The main part of the software work has been completed. And the forecasting program is fully operational.

Specialized software programs are now being developed for use with the voice recognition and command technology.

The microphone direct connetcion with Dragon Naturally Speaking works great as does a wi-fi keyboard link.

The BlueTooth radio microphone connection with Dragon Naturally Speaking works, but not very well so far. The voice to text and computer program control doesn't recognize the voice text and commands very accurately. Some adjustments to the setup files will hopefully get it to work better.

At least I learned how to get BlueTooth devices to talk witn one another. The technology does work quite nicely. For some reason I was never able to get any BlueTooth devices to work in the past.