Re: Are There Any Expert Geophysics Book Reviewers Out There? - August 12, 2012
Posted by EQF on August 16, 2012 at 10:27:56:


Science fact is science fact.

Or, at least that is the way that science is supposed to work. But, quite often it doesn’t.

During my lengthy career in science it took me a long time to discover that even people with advanced degrees in science will view often information as being factual or impossible based on if they like the way the information provider combs his or her hair etc. That is basic human nature. But, it is not supposed to be a problem with science. People with advanced degrees should have the necessary training so that they can deal with those types of personal preferences that can distort their perception of some subject.

Unfortunately, they frequently or perhaps even rarely get that type of training. As a professional analyst, that is my training. So, I am fairly good with this. But learning how to avoid being influence by personal biases is one of the difficult parts of science. Universities etc. should spend more time on training scientists in that area.

Because I am fairly good at this, over the years I have an extraordinary amount of success with getting government officials around the world to move in various directions regarding even complex political matters. Information is presented to them in a logical, detailed, and understandable way without any bias. And so they can clearly see what their choices are for dealing with some problem such as an unexpected disastrous flood or whatever, and what the consequences will be from selecting any of those choices.

Any other names on your list? I have several myself but haven’t had time so far to contact the people.

I still think that Dr. Whiteside might be an ideal reviewer if he could be located.

Where do geophysicists go when they stop working for the U.S. government? Is there a large cave out there somewhere where they all congregate?

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Are There Any Expert Geophysics Book Reviewers Out There? - August 12, 2012 - Roger Hunter  10:36:48 - 8/16/2012  (80104)  (1)
        ● Re: Are There Any Expert Geophysics Book Reviewers Out There? - August 12, 2012 - EQF  13:05:17 - 8/16/2012  (80106)  (1)
           ● Re: Are There Any Expert Geophysics Book Reviewers Out There? - August 12, 2012 - Roger Hunter  13:55:57 - 8/16/2012  (80107)  (0)