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STUNNING Precursor Data – July 23, 2012 |
STUNNING Precursor Data – July 23, 2012 In addition to posting the original note here, on July 21, 2012 I submitted a report discussing this subject matter to the Yahoo EarthWaves bulletin board. And I also sent copies of that Yahoo report by E-mail to earthquake researchers around the world that I work with plus some that I don’t actually know myself. A copy of that Yahoo report is being included with this posting as it contains some information that was not in my first post in this thread. A number of the researchers that I contacted then sent me back some of their own precursor data. And one of them who has data that can be in astonishingly good agreement with my own data sent me some of his (or her or their) data. Those data were stunning to the point of being shocking because of how well they agreed with my own data and because they involved a totally different type of precursor. My data are based on the detection of unusual electromagnetic signals at locations here in the U.S. The other researchers’ data are based on physical ground movement in Europe and Asia areas. What the data that I discussed in my original post stated was that on July 4, 2012 I began detecting strong EM Signals. And no such signals had been detected like that in quite a while. Those signals are still being detected with the latest one occurring at the following time: 2012/07/22 19:30:00 UTC The other research team sent me a chart of their ground movement data that showed that on July 4, 2012 there was a tremendously strong and abrupt change in the ground movement where one group of their sensors is located. And that change has been continuing in the same direction ever since July 4. The direction of change now appears to be leveling off. The EM Signal data can be a little difficult to evaluate because the signals can apparently be associated with a variety of phenomena such as earthquake fault zone and volcano activities, solar storms, and even hurricanes. However, those physical ground movement data are unambiguous indicators that something is taking place in the Earth’s crust. And those researchers are easily able to correlate their data with powerful earthquakes occurring around the world. NASA personnel are also reportedly in agreement with them regarding the events that are presently taking place. And I myself am in the process of doing some additional comparisons between my own data and the data in the chart they sent me. Those researchers don’t have any ground movement sensors here in the U.S. at the present time. But I have been trying to help them with that. And the latest that I heard is that they are planning to install some of their sensor units at a location here in the U.S. that I told them about. It is distant from any fault zones, is immune to truck traffic etc., has electricity and Internet access, is totally secure, and has technical personnel already working there who could help with equipment maintenance. So their sensor data could be easily sent via the Internet back to their European laboratories.
With humor intended I will propose that you could and should blame Roger for that. Plus, he is retired. So it won’t hurt his job prospects. We were developing an EPmap (or whatever) computer program that makes it easy to correlate data such as my own EM Signal data plus Shan’s and Amit Dave’s data. And with a little more programming work the program would also have been able to display those ground movement data. The existing program works and was nearing completion. Unfortunately, Roger abruptly decided to head off in a different direction. And active work on the program stopped. The only reason I was working with him on that particular program was because he was looking around for some type of programming effort that would accomplish something. And this one would have done that as it enabled people to easily compare a variety of precursor data plus sun and moon location data and even Solid Earth Tide and ocean tide data. My plan is to merge that EPmap program into my own Etdprog earthquake forecasting program. But before doing that I need to get another more important routine built into my program that will dramatically reduce the amount of time needed to transfer data from one format to another. And that particular effort is being slowed by my work on preparing reports discussing other humanitarian projects that I am trying to get prepared and sent to important U.S. Policy Makers before the November 6, 2012 Presidential Elections. During the past year so many of my projects such as those have been in the national and international news that I have lost track of just how many of them there have been. Two extremely important ones not related to earthquakes were in the news in just the past six weeks or so. Both were phenomenally and unexpectedly successful. They involved top level U.S. Policy Makers acting on information that I sent them directly or through various channels. So, with humor intended, you can blame Roger for wandering off and not finishing that earthquake precursor data correlation project. I simply don’t have enough free time available to do all of this work on my own. However, he did finish one important part of the project that generates country names on demand for specific latitude and longitude locations. And quite a while ago he prepared some invaluable computer code that calculates on demand the latitudes and longitudes of the subsolar and sublunar locations at specific times. He unfortunately met his match with an attempt to translate a Fortran program that generates Solid Earth Tide and ocean tide data on demand for specific times and locations. For some reason the very old Fortran code could not be translated. And the program developer, Prof. H.-G Wenzel, passed away a few years ago. However, the original exe program that uses that code still works. So, we were planning to use that program as a type of subroutine for the EPmap program. These are personal opinions.
Multiple strong electromagnetic pulse type signals (EM Signals) that have been detected since July 4, 2012 are providing an opportunity to do some research on how these signals are being generated in the first place. Some of the EM Signals look like they could be pointing to strong aftershock activity for that powerful March 11, 2011 earthquake in the Japan area. This subject matter is quite complex and can apparently involve earthquake fault zones, approaching earthquakes, volcanic activity, solar storms, and other phenomena such as hurricanes. So, with so many possible phenomena involved, generating a clear picture of exactly what is taking place is difficult. These latest EM Signals appear to be clearly linked with solar storm activity that has been taking place since early July of 2012. That type of activity is reported on the following Web page: http://www.swpc.noaa.gov/alerts/warnings_timeline.html It is believed that certain types of solar storm energy can interact with earthquake fault zones where earthquakes are about to occur and also perhaps volcano rock layers, and then cause the signals to be generated that I work with. Doing some checking for past records I have found that in some cases when there were other lengthy periods of strong EM Signal activity such as during the last few months of 2003, there were also at the same time lengthy periods of strong solar storm activity. And, many of the EM Signals detected around then then matched powerful and destructive earthquakes that were approaching including the late December, 2003 earthquakes in Bam, Iran, and California. Another group of strong signals was detected on January 25, 2001. International Disaster Mitigation Personnel were sent formal Earthquake Warnings. And in less than 24 hours there was a tremendously destructive earthquake in India. The solar storm records for that time are not as detailed as more recent records. But they show that there was some type of strong stratospheric heating disturbance in the central Russia area and some minor warming in the Asia/Siberia area at the time. And that activity might have somehow been associated with both those EM Signals and the India earthquake. Perhaps the approaching earthquake itself was responsible for those disturbances. Another occasion, May 18, 2011 when multiple strong EM Signals were detected was checked. And there did not appear to be too much in the way of solar storm activity around then. That and the fact that no especially powerful earthquake occurred within the next few days leads me to believe that those EM Signals were likely volcano activity related. THE IMPORTANCE OF THIS SUBJECT MATTER When some of these signals are detected a destructive earthquake can occur within a few days. That has happened fairly often over the years. And many lives have been lost. In other cases the expected earthquake can be delayed for weeks or even months. Large numbers of low intensity signals started being generated around July of 2010. And that continued on almost a daily basis until the devastating March 11, 2011 earthquake occurred in the Japan area. Or, there might not be any powerful earthquake at all. Some group of signals might be volcano activity related. So, it is important to determine how these signals are being generated and what other data might be used to determine which of the signals are pointing to approaching powerful earthquakes, and which of the signals can be safely ignored. Follow Ups: ● Re: STUNNING Precursor Data – July 23, 2012 - Roger Hunter 06:37:42 - 7/23/2012 (79985) (0) |
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