Re: Earthquake 3D
Posted by EQF on May 01, 2012 at 23:15:46:


If you are worried about computer malware then you might do what I do. I also have this information stored on my Web site pages where I make my own programs available for free downloads.

Fairly powerful used computers that can run Windows XP and higher can be purchased for very small amounts of money. You can find them as low as $20 to $50. Just reformat the hard drive if necessary to make certain it is virus free. Reinstall XP or whatever. Then test the new programs on those computers.

Usually you can safely download a program to any computer as long as you don't open and run it. So, you could download a program to your main computer and then use a flash drive to move it to the backup computer where you could test it.

I do that all the time myself and never encounter any problems. I tested that earthquake program using that procedure. The program is interesting. However, I can't see exactly what it is supposed to do for people other than provide nice graphics.

On the backup computer you can also download and install the free ZoneAlarm program. It will let you go online with the backup computer and will protect it from at probably most threats out there on the Internet (but probably not a virus contained in an E-mail). And there are other freeware antivirus programs available as well.

Canie probably knows a lot about this subject matter. So, you might ask her as well.

It is a good idea to be careful with Internet work. But there are safe ways to get things done with the investment of a little time and effort.

These are personal opinions.

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Earthquake 3D - heartland chris  18:18:03 - 5/3/2012  (79889)  (0)