Re: Earthquake Advisories – April 23, 2012
Posted by EQF on April 25, 2012 at 14:18:29:


A good percentages of the notes that I post here are intended to be progress reports. It is largely a waste of time to post any earthquake research related information here because people seem to remember that information for perhaps 5 minutes at most. Then it has to be explained again, and again, and again.

The existence of a possible link between solar storms and earthquakes is still being investigated as far as I am aware. I believe that a group is Europe is supposed to be working on that.

My data could probably be looked at in detail to determine if such a link exists. But I don’t have time to do that type of general research myself. My major interest here is in learning how to predict the earthquakes and get people out of their way. And as far as getting the U.S. to move on this, the effort takes a far distant second place to getting them to do more energy research. However, in a post to one of Roger’s posts I will point out that even those limited forecast related efforts are probably having some success in getting the U.S. to do more.

What I have been saying is that there appears to be a strong link between the solar storms and the EM Signals that I work with. And that doesn’t mean that more earthquakes are going to occur, only that signals that are pointing to the ones that are going to occur are being generated.

On the other hand, the fact that the signals are being generated probably does actually indicate that there is more earthquake activity on the way even though it might only be for 6.5 to 7.5 magnitude earthquakes.

The point is,

If there are no signals then there is no way to tell that any earthquakes are approaching.

If there are signals then it might not necessarily mean that more earthquakes or more powerful ones are approaching, but rather that the ones that are approaching are generating signals. And so it might be possible to tell when and where they are going to occur.

Finally, this EM Signal generation process appears to be highly complex. It looks like it can involve various combinations of earthquake, volcano, solar storm, hurricane, and Earth rotation activity. The Earth rotation part pertains to where solar storm energy would hit the Earth and hence which fault zones would be affected. And that would depend on the time of day and also the time of the year.

So, the signal generation process is almost bewilderingly complex. But, if those signals might at the moment provide the only good way to tell when a significant earthquake is going to occur then it is worth it to do the necessary investigative work.

These are personal opinions.