Posted by EQF on April 03, 2012 at 05:38:01:
Update plus Charts – April 3, 2012 The EPmap program is rapidly becoming increasingly powerful ! These are just a few of the types of charts it can presently generate. They are largely centered around the catastrophic March 11, 2011 earthquake in Japan. These data have not yet been carefully checked. We are still working on the computer program code. So, there could be some errors. The first chart shows that earthquake versus the sublunar latitude plus 6.0 to 9.9 magnitude earthquakes that occurred during the Time Window shown on the chart. If you draw a line between the center of the Earth and the center of the moon, then the moon would be directly above the latitude shown on that wave at the time displayed on the chart. Basically, the moon goes from being directly over 25 north to 25 south and then back again once each month. I have not checked to see if left on the wave means north or south. But the chart does show that the Japan earthquake occurred shortly after the moon was at one of those extremes.  The second chart is a Ring Map plot for that earthquake with continents displayed in the background. The red dots on the chart represent 6.0 to 9.9 magnitude earthquakes that occurred between about March 10, 2011 and March 15, 2012.The theory is that shock waves from a powerful earthquake like that one can destabilize fault zones at specific distances from the original earthquake. On the chart they are the narrow areas between each of the two circles or curves that are close to one another. People can draw their own conclusions regarding whether or not that enhanced triggering phenomenon could be observed with that earthquake.  The third chart is the same Ring Map plot for that earthquake with tectonic plates displayed in the background. Considering that earthquakes have been around for all of human history, why has this type of computer program never been developed in the past and made available to the general public?As I proposed in my post response to Amit Dave’s posting in this thread, governments are hiring the wrong group of people to run their earthquake forecasting programs. Professional disaster mitigation personnel would make certain that these types of resources were developed. Classically trained scientists don't appear to be especially interested in such matters. These are personal opinions.