Earthquake Precursor Data Program Update - January 20, 2012
Posted by EQF on January 20, 2012 at 02:56:26:

The first downloadable version of the Earthquake Precursor Data Collection and Display computer program (tentatively named EPmap.exe – Earthquake Precursor Map) being developed by Roger and myself is now available in a zip form through the following indirect Web page:

Just follow the download and usage instructions on the Precursor Data Web page.

Remember that this is a rapidly changing demonstration version of the data collection and display program. It is intended to provide program developers and other interested parties with something that can be gradually expanded and improved. When it gets to a certain point, the plan is to translate it into an actual working CGI computer program.

People should not expect these “working” versions of the program to be bug free. But most of their features should work reasonably well on Windows XP and higher computers.

The latest version of the program that should be available for downloads before too long looks fairly impressive to me. It can display combinations of a world map, tectonic plates, earthquakes, earthquake precursors, and volcanoes. And a map area expansion feature is being gradually added.