Posted by Stuart Pearson on January 04, 2012 at 15:09:08:

Magnitude: M6.5+
From: 4/1/11/22:00/UTC - To:
Location: Santa Cruz Region
Lat: -10.3750 - Long: 166.2408 - Range: 500 km

Anybody else keeping an eye on Santa Cruz, they seem to be having a few M5+. Over the past few years they have had more M6-M8 than they did in the 100 years previous. Could be heading for another bigger one

Follow Ups:
     ● Re: Santa CruzM6.6 - heartland chris  04:16:22 - 1/9/2012  (79540)  (0)
     ● Re: Santa Cruz - heartland chris  05:01:17 - 1/5/2012  (79525)  (1)
        ● Re: Santa Cruz - Stuart Pearson  11:22:02 - 1/5/2012  (79530)  (0)