Republicans on climate change from Sierra Club
Posted by heartland chris on January 03, 2012 at 08:07:17:

Hi all, the Sierra Club sent me and the rest of their members the links below.
Gingrich came across as almost well informed and reasonable. I would have thought the Sierra Club would have also linked to some of the other candidate's positions. Maybe they figured that this would have just been too scary.

Meanwhile, there has been no outdoor skating or skiing this year, and I played tennis outdoors all through December, including last weekend when it got to low 60s (at latitude 39 in midwest), and will play again Thurs or Friday. There have not been any record warm days though, and the month of December was not in the top 10 warmest. But, it really contrasts against the cold and snowy December through mid February last year.

I don't think this 1 year change is "climate change": it is short term climate related to cycles and sea surface temperatures and mainly just how the jet stream sets up.
