PREDICTION - Earthquake Forecast Off Oregon Coast |
Magnitude: 4.5-6.0 As to the geographic location the best I can do is 225 miles west of Eugene, Oregon and maybe a tad bit south. The quake has the best chance of occurring on 07/02/2001 at 43.4N/127.7W with a rough deviation of 70K north or south and 30K east or west of the stated location. My interest in forecasting a quake is not to gain a reputation of being able to forecast a quake per say, but achieving an accurate forecast in regards to location, time and magnitude. Let’s just say I want to hit the bull’s eye on the side of the barn and not the barn itself. I realize that hitting the bull’s eye is almost impossible, but I don’t want to use a radius that would allow me to just hit the barn and be correct. My training dictates to me that accuracy is paramount. It was instilled in me many years ago and it is what I believe in. Take Care…Don in creepy town. Follow Ups: ● Re: Earthquake Forecast Off Oregon Coast - Lowell 09:15:21 - 6/15/2001 (8032) (1) ● Re: Earthquake Forecast Off Oregon Coast - Don in Hollister 07:34:54 - 6/16/2001 (8043) (0) ● Re: Earthquake Forecast Off Oregon Coast - Lowell 17:18:34 - 6/12/2001 (7953) (0) |