Re: Request for Canie – December 27, 2011
Posted by Skywise on December 27, 2011 at 12:04:48:

EQF, go see a shrink. Seriously. That's not an attack. That's advice. I honestly feel you are in true need of psychiatric assistance. (psychology & psychiatry have been a small interest of mine) It was that realization that gave me pause, and to make the recent decision to stop interacting with you. I feel it is not right to bash a person for what they are saying if it is likely due to the influence of certain 'issues'.

On the contrary, I feel people should be empathic to the needs of those with problems. There should be nothing wrong or to be ashamed about such a condition. No one is perfect. We all have our issues and neuroses. There is no such thing as "normal". Heck, look at me! :)

With that in mind, I apologize for using your real name since it bothers you such. I should have given more consideration before having done so. Further, there is nothing I can do about anything I may have said in the past, but I can do something about the future.

Just an FYI, that information was 'out there' long before I came to this forum. Also, any effort by me to further figure out who you are was simply an attempt verify your constantly vague claims of scientific education and experience. I have no intention of sharing what I may or may not have found.

Regarding personal information being posted online, I truly understand what you are saying as I've been paranoid about it myself. I used to never use my real name anywhere online, which is why I use the handle "Skywise" so much (since the old BBS'ing days). I'm not as concerned about that anymore, but I still use the handle for the sake of consistency.

As it happens, I personally have had to deal with someone attacking me in exactly the fashion that you described. I have had that kind of personal information posted in a public forum. And it went beyond that. But it got taken care of eventually, and in the end, no real harm was done. No strangers came knocking on my door, no strange packages showed up in my mail, and no crank calls in the middle of the night. The lesson here is that the information is out there for anyone who wants to look for it. It matters little how much you you try to control it, or wish it wasn't there. (scary, eh?)

BTW, my Moon post was not directed at you personally. Rather, I was offering my thoughts on the notion about the Moon influencing seismic activity in general, which is apparently held by a not insignificant number of people.
